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How to write a thesis yourself and quickly: motivation, time management and 5 common mistakes

If you intend to develop in the field of science and plan to get a degree, it is important to know how to write a dissertation yourself and quickly. Writing a scientific research paper is a key task of a graduate student, because at the end of his studies he must submit his work for defense before the dissertation commission.

According to statistics, 30-50% of applicants never reach the defense stage, leaving the educational institution without completing their studies. This is due to a number of difficulties that young scientists have to face in the process of work.

Nevertheless, it is possible to write a good candidate's thesis on your own, if you approach the task competently and responsibly. From the article you will learn how to write a dissertation without any hassle. By the way, you can order PhD thesis at

1. Who needs a PhD thesis and why?

Writing a PhD dissertation is a time-consuming process that requires the ability of a scientist to apply his knowledge and skills in the course of research work. By scientific work, the applicant confirms his qualifications in the field under study. Without his protection, it is impossible to move to a new stage of development in the field of science.

Often, not only young scientists who plan to connect their lives with scientific activities resort to the creation of a manuscript, but also various organizations that need to solve important scientific problems for successful business.

Obtaining a PhD degree is useful for applicants to meet various needs:

  1. Recognition of the works of a young scientist by an authoritative scientific community is considered the highest form of self-realization, self-affirmation.
  2. People of science who have confirmed their knowledge and experience by defending their thesis are treated with respect and reverence.
  3. PhDs and PhDs earn more than non-degree researchers and are more likely to find decent jobs based on their qualifications.
  4. The opportunity to become a significant part of the scientific world, regularly attend conferences, seminars, meet people.

Thus, it is useful to know how to write a thesis yourself and quickly, for everyone who is interested in doing research activities, wants to become a significant figure in the scientific community, strives for self-development and self-realization as a famous scientist.

2. The structure of scientific work.

The dissertation is written in strict accordance with the requirements of VAK and GOST. Regardless of the direction of research, the level of scientific work, the standards for writing it are identical. The manuscript consists of an introduction, conclusion, at least three main chapters, a list of references, drawn up in accordance with state requirements.

It is necessary to approach the preparation of the introduction very responsibly, in this section it is necessary to briefly substantiate what is the peculiarity, interest and benefit of scientific work. For this you should:

  • indicate the relevance and practical value of the problem under study;
  • describe the topic, assess the level of its development;
  • determine the main goal and objectives of the dissertation;
  • define the object or process under study;
  • briefly describe the essence of the future project;
  • note the provisions useful for the upcoming defense;
  • indicate the prospects for practical application and approbation of the results obtained.

A well-designed structure of the Ph.D. will help you easily navigate the upcoming research, plan your time, submit the necessary reports at the department, understand what steps you need to take to write your dissertation yourself and quickly.

Even if in the process of writing the work you will make adjustments to the original plan, this is not scary. Better a plan with modifications than none at all.

The detailed structure of the dissertation should look like this:

  • title page;
  • table of contents and content;
  • a list of abbreviations, if they were used in the text;
  • introduction (usually takes 2-7 pages);
  • the main part (contains an average of 4-5 sections);
  • Conclusion (optional, but highly recommended)
  • conclusions (should correspond to the tasks listed in the introduction);
  • practical recommendations (if any);
  • list of literary sources (drawn in strict accordance with the current GOST);
  • applications, where they indicate information that is not included in the main sections, acts of implementation, copyright certificates (if any).

When writing the main part, there are no exact instructions, you need to be guided by the direction of research. In general, recommendations for writing dissertation chapters look like this:

  1. The first chapter is a literary review and analysis of the studied sources on the topic of the work, ranging from 20 to 40 pages. It is advisable, before starting to write a work, to study the state of the chosen direction of research, which scientists have been and are engaged in development, what success has already been achieved, and what problems still remain. If several unsolved problems are identified, you can list them all in your text. It is convenient to end the first chapter by setting the goal and objectives of the upcoming research.
  2. The second chapter implies a description of the methodology of work, its volume is about 10 pages. It lists the tests carried out, the methods used, and the tools. Anyone who reads the section should have a clear idea of ​​where the data came from and understand how to conduct the experiment themselves.
  3. The third chapter contains the results of the tests, it is the largest and can take up to 90 pages. For convenience, the data obtained are entered into tables, then graphs, diagrams are built on them, and explanations are given. If there were a lot of experiments, it is better to divide them into separate paragraphs or add another chapter.
  4. The fourth chapter is necessary for analyzing the data obtained, comparing your results with the results of other researchers on the same topic. The average length of a section is 20-30 pages.

According to the standard, the entire volume of a Ph.D. thesis is from 120 to 150 pages.

3. What is needed to write and defend a dissertation?

Before writing a dissertation on his own and quickly, a graduate student must clearly understand in which direction he wants to work. Choosing a topic is a crucial step that determines the entire course of further actions of the applicant. The topic should be interesting for a young scientist, relevant to science in general, feasible for research. There is no need to set super-tasks that will be difficult to solve, to choose a direction in which there is either very little or too much work.

The choice of a supervisor is also of great importance. It is desirable that the professor be interested in your protection, then he will help in every possible way, contribute to the achievement of the goal, using his authority and connections. Otherwise, you should be ready to be importunate, ask him as many questions as possible, do not be shy to remind him of yourself. You get a chance to work with an experienced scientist, so why not make the most of it. Find more out at 

The title of the manuscript should be specific, without general phrases, it should reflect the whole essence of the research work. At the same time, it is not customary to use such words as “research” in the title (any dissertation is already a study in itself), “problem” (everyone has known about problems for a long time, but here’s how to solve them), “improvement” (scientists are already improving many years, it is necessary not to improve, but to create a fundamentally new one).

The correct setting of the goal and objectives of the study significantly speeds up the process of writing a paper. The goal should be the same for the entire manuscript, repeat the title of the work, unite the problem and the results of its solution. There are no strict requirements regarding the formulation of the dissertation objectives. By default, the number of tasks is equal to the number of chapters of the Ph.D., while:

  • the first task reveals the problem of research, includes the analysis of literary sources;
  • the second - shows possible options for solving the problem, choosing the best way;
  • the third reflects ongoing practical experiments and represents a model for solving the problem.

To write a thesis yourself and quickly, many famous scientists recommend using the snowflake method. It consists in compiling the content, as a result of which the picture of how to act in the process of work is clarified. You can repeatedly make adjustments to the content until you get a clear plan for solving a specific problem.

In addition to writing a dissertation, each applicant should know that for a successful defense, a number of requirements must be met :

  1. Writing an abstract is a scientific work that repeats the structure of a dissertation, only in a concise form.
  2. To draw up provisions submitted for defense - briefly outlined the results of research in the form of abstracts, 5-6 pieces are enough, most often the members of the dissertation commission read only this section.
  3. Participate in conferences - such events are useful for future candidates, looking at the speeches of other researchers, it is easier to understand what is required and expected of you, in addition, useful contacts can be made at conferences.
  4. Writing articles - to defend a Ph.D., it is necessary to publish 3-5 scientific articles on the topic of research, at least one of them must be included in a journal from the VAK list.
  5. Choose opponents - often the supervisor assigns opponents to the graduate student, but if you were quite active in writing the work, you yourself may have met reputable scientists who are engaged in research in a similar direction to you (give preference to such opponents who will actually read your manuscript and will be able to make useful changes to it, and not just “for show” write a review).

Not only articles, but also patents for inventions, utility model certificates, registered computer programs, databases and other manuscripts are equated to published scientific works of applicants.

4. Motivation for writing a Ph.D.

Before you write a dissertation yourself and quickly, you need to understand why you need it. Candidate's work is the same research work as a master's, but with a deeper study of the material and careful experiments. Writing a scientific work has one goal - to show that the applicant is competent in the issues of the problem under study.

At the same time, a degree does not yet guarantee your successful development in the field of science, just as its absence does not put an end to your career. There are many examples from life when talented scientists managed to make a significant contribution to the development of science without having a degree. There are those who successfully defended their doctoral thesis, but have worked as a teacher at a university all their lives, without doing anything significant and useful for society.

It is important to strike a balance between the effort invested and the result obtained, otherwise disappointment cannot be avoided. If the applicant treats his work superficially, does not feel satisfaction from research, writing a dissertation will be boring, hard and long. On the other hand, the application of super efforts when writing a work will negatively affect the ability to adequately perceive criticism and the realization that only you need a written manuscript.

If the inspiration is gone, it is enough to focus on the main aspects of the work, then the motivation will return. When writing a work, remember that only you will read the entire text, and your supervisor and opponents will read the maximum more. A couple of dozen scientists will look through the abstract, a hundred - its first few pages.


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