Suppose it happened that you needed legal advice, or you need to draw up a statement of claim or an agreement, and the question arose of finding a person who can be trusted to solve your problem.
Because most people don't use a lawyer very often, at least not as often as they shop or go to a hairdresser, for example, they simply don't know how to choose the right car accident attorney.
And therefore, many people make the mistake of trying to approach the choice of legal services in the same way as, for example, buying clothes or products. For example, they simply watch ads offering legal services, call all lawyers and look for the "cheapest services".
You will say that it is logical if you need to choose the lowest price for drawing up a statement of claim or an agreement and thereby save money. Agree, many do. But going to a lawyer is not the same as buying household appliances or a cell phone, and the question of price is not the key.
Let's see why legal services can vary in price and how you can save money when applying for legal services.
Objectively, the situation on the legal services market in Ulyanovsk looks rather sad. And if you are looking for the cheapest legal services and free consultations, it will be the lesser of evils if you get to yesterday's student who does not have any practical experience.
Unfortunately, in modern realities, it is not uncommon for people without any legal education to give advice, draw up contracts, and even participate in court. Dishonest entrepreneurs, far from jurisprudence, in pursuit of money, organize the so-called "Law Firms" when behind the sonorous names and beautiful signs the office "Horns and Hooves" is hidden, where the new Ostap Benders and Shura Balaganovs provide gullible citizens with their "cheap services".
In pursuit of cheapness and not paying any attention to the qualifications of the person who gives you advice or draws up a contract, you risk losing much more. After all, even one "wrong legal advice" can often cause you a huge loss.
Think about whether the saved hundred rubles, the lost apartment, the unpaid debt, the unreceived inheritance, the driver's license are worth it?
- I think you will agree that no!
Therefore, contact those who already have the knowledge and experience in solving complex legal issues.
But if the price is not so important, but the quality of services is important, how can a person far from the courts and jurisprudence in general determine the qualifications of a lawyer?
I want to say right away that "folk methods" will not help here, you need to focus on the law.
In this case, it is the law that can serve as a guarantee of the quality of the service and will not allow you to get into an unpleasant situation.
The fact is that not everyone understands the difference between "Lawyer" and "Lawyer", calling himself a lawyer and offering his "services" right and left, maybe many people, as I already wrote about, with lawyers the situation is fundamentally different.
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